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The Richmond Motto is

‘Learning and Achieving Together’.

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible, Enjoy Learning 

Curriculum Statement 


We passionately believe that all pupils are entitled to receive an inspiring and challenging curriculum which enables pupils to develop their natural curiosity, make strong links between subjects and achieve to their full potential. This curriculum supports the whole child in their primary learning journey become successful, confident individuals, who make a positive contribution to the community and society - both now and in the future.

Through our core values: Be Kind, Be Safe, Be responsible, Enjoy Learning’, we foster an environment where the emotional, physical, academic, social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of each child is considered and planned for.

Our book-based curriculum is mapped and linked to the National Curriculum expectations and prepares and equips children with the skills, knowledge and understanding for life. We know that children who are enthusiastic and able readers are better equipped to engage and achieve in all areas of learning, so we have therefore adopted a book-based curriculum. Each year groups termly work is centred around a high quality class text, with the progression of reading skills (both decoding and comprehension) interweaved with reading for pleasure and explicit links to work in all other areas of the curriculum.


At Richmond Avenue Primary & Nursery School, we have used the National Curriculum alongside specific year group half-termly / termly themes, to allow our children to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to make progress. We recognise that the curriculum encompasses all areas of learning and we provide learning which is broad and balanced and makes clear links across all subjects to give children a clear rationale for completing their work In order to allow children to remember key skills and knowledge, children revisit them over the course of a key stage.

Wherever possible, reading, writing and maths activities are linked to other subjects within and across lessons so that children are confident in the links between all the subjects and this embeds their knowledge in a more meaningful way.

Alternative enrichment experiences, such as trips and use of Outdoor Learning provide the children with vast learning experiences outside the classroom environment which helps enhance their understanding, school experience and learning.


Pupils leave Richmond Avenue Primary & Nursery School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and globally aware; how to make positive contributions to the local area and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be.

We aim for all of our children to leave Richmond with not only a solid understanding of the KS1/KS2 curriculum, but to leave with our core values at the heart of what they do. This allows them to confidently make the next step in secondary school and beyond.

To that end, each subject that we teach has a rationale that explains the Intent, Implementation and Impact for that subject. 

Each of these can be read below. 

For more details on each year groups curriculum offer and themes, please just go to the 'Childrens' section and look at each phases page. 

If you would like any further information on the curriculum, please contact the school office - or if you have a child in school, please just ask the class teachers or phase leaders  

Alternatively, the full National Curriculum can be found by clicking here 

Parents may withdraw their children from RE lessons or any part of the RE curriculum. To do this they should put a request in writing to the headteacher through the school office via email to

SECAT Entitlement

Through discussion with our staff and children, we decided that there were certain aspects of the pupils’ curriculum that we would not compromise on.

We are committed to supporting our children and young people to:

✓ Be confident learners

✓ Be resilient

✓ Be creative

✓ Recognise failure and learn from it

✓ Build productive relationships

✓ Be honest

✓ Enjoy their learning

Following the setting up of groups for Pupil and Staff Advocates and Wellbeing Representatives, feedback was very clear about how we should proceed. The children have been pivotal in this whole process. They made it very clear what they wanted the curriculum offer to be

  • Enjoyable
  • Exciting
  • Fun
  • Challenging
  • Give opportunities to make friends
  • Give opportunities to see different places 

More details on pupil's entitlement whilst in SECAT schools can be read in the documents at the bottom of the page.

Growth Mindset

A key element of all we do in school links to teaching and underrstanding Growth Mindset...

Pupils with a growth mindset

  • Believe that talents can be developed and great abilities can be built over time
  • View mistakes as a learning experience
  • Are resilient
  • Believe that effort creates success
  • Think about how they learn

Pupils with a fixed mindset

  • Believe that talent alone creates success
  • Are reluctant to take on challenges
  • Prefer to stay in their comfort zone 
  • Are fearful of making mistakes
  • Think it is important to 'look smart' in front of others
  • Believe that talents and abilities are set in stone, you either have them or you don't